Ademola's Interview

	I hope you enjoy the fourth Blue Heaven interview. If you 
have any suggestions for other questions, email me at

The 1996-97 Interview:

Question: What has changed the most about you since last year?
Answer: Self-confidence. I know what to expect.

Q: What went through your mind when Clemson players just seemed to
move out of your way in order for you to dunk?
A: Go ahead and don't stop. Go all the way!

Q: Why do you think teams continually leave you open to take the
3-point shot?
A: They don't believe I will shoot.

Q: Has anyone in Germany noticed your web page?
A: Yes, a couple friends and a TV channel.

Q: Who's your favorite opponent?
A: Duke

Q: What's your greatest strength?
A: Never give up. I know I'll never give up no matter what.

Q: What areas do you see yourself as needing improvement?
A: Dribbling, consistency, and being an offensive threat.

Q: What are some things that you haven't accomplished at UNC that
you would like to?
A: I want to win ACC and national championships and achieve national
MVP honors sometime in my college career.

Q: Is there anyone who you try to pattern your play after?
A: No, no one in particular. I take a lot of people's games and try
to take the best parts out and add them to mine.

Q: What can we expect of you this year?
A: Playing defense as best I can, shooting the ball, never giving
up, and striving for the highest.

The 1995-96 Interview:

Question: Where were you born?
Answer: Lagos, Nigeria

Q: When and why did you move to Germany?
A: My family moved in 1978 because my mother wanted to.

Q: When did you first start playing basketball?
A: Fourth grade in a school activity.

Q: Have you noticed any differences between playing basketball in Germany 
and in the United States?
A: At some points the game is faster. Also, the game is played above the rim.

Q: When and how did you become aware that you could play basketball at a 
college level?
A: In 1994, when I started playing on the Division I (ALBA) team with 
Henrik Rodl.

Q: How did UNC become an option and why did you pick it?
A: I never knew I could play for UNC, but Henrik said I could. And then, 
the combination of academics and basketball.

Q: How many languages can you speak fluently?
A: Two, English and German.

Q: What are some of your hobbies besides basketball?
A: Being around friends and playing clarinet.

Q: What were the reactions of your family and friends when you said that 
you were going to school in the United States?
A: My family was very supportive. It was helpful that my brother was 
coming with me. Some of my friends were amused but some were not.

Q: If you could play for any NBA team, for whom would you play?
A: I'm not too attached to any team, but I like Houston because of Olajuwan.

Q: What were your feelings when the Berlin Wall came down?
A: I was happy that the "prison people" were freed but worried about the 
job and race problems that would evolve.

Q: Do you think unification has helped or hurt West Germany?
A: In general, it helped the development of Germany and brought down 
another communist country so people could be free.

Q: Do you have anything else to say?
A: I'm thankful for everyone supporting me and the basketball program, 
and I hope to keep you entertained.

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